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Upgrading to HTTP/3 is straightforward. It requires:

There is currently very little browser support for this. I was able to demonstrate that it was working with a nightly build of FireFox on Ubuntu 20.04 following these instructions.


The following code launches a web server which supports:

  • http on port 80
  • https on port 443
  • https using http/3 on port 4433

A browser that is capable of switching to http/3 will automatically upgrade the https connection.

As this example uses "standard" ports you will need to run the server with sudo.

Note the quic_bind line.

"""Example server"""

import asyncio
import logging
import os

from bareasgi import Application, HttpResponse, text_writer
import bareutils.response_code as response_code
from hypercorn.asyncio import serve
from hypercorn.config import Config


async def http_request_callback(request):
    text = """
<!doctype html>
    <p>This is not a test</p>
    headers = [
        (b'content-type', b'text/html'),
        (b'content-length', str(len(text)).encode())
    return HttpResponse(response_code.OK, headers, text_writer(text))

app = Application()
app.http_router.add({'GET'}, '/{path}', http_request_callback)

config = Config()
config.insecure_bind = [ '' ]
config.bind = [ '' ]
config.quic_bind = [ '' ]
config.keyfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.keys/server.key')
config.certfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.keys/server.crt'), config))