UDP Datagram library

A Python 3.8+ asyncio helper library for UDP datagram clients and servers.


This is working, but still under continuous development, so there may be breaking changes.


This package provides a simple asyncio API for UDP datagrams, following a similar pattern to the TCP streams API.

A UDP server is started by calling start_udp_server which is analogous to the start_server function provided by asyncio. This returns a DatagramServer, which provides methods for reading (read), writing (sendto), and closing (close and wait_closed). This differs from the TCP variant which provides a callback when a client connects with a read and write stream. This is because UDP is connection-less so there is no connect (or disconnect) event. Also the data is sent and received in packets, so there seems to eb no benefit to provide separate read and write stream.

The following creates a server, reads then writes some data.

server = await start_udp_server(('', 8000))

data, addr = await server.recvfrom()
print(f"Received {data!r} from {addr}")
server.sendto(b"Hello", addr)

await server.wait_closed()

A UDP client is started by calling open_udp_connection which is analogous to the open_connection function provided by the asyncio library for TCP, which returns a DatagramClient. This provides similar functionality to the server, however the addr is not present when reading or writing, as the socket is bound to the server address when it is created.

client = await open_udp_connection(('', 8000))

client.send(b"Hello, World!")
data = await client.recv()
print(f"Received {data!r}")

await client.wait_closed()