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Getting Started


The package can be installed from npmjs.

npm install --save @jetblack/date

Convenience Methods

The library provides the usual convenience methods (e.g. addDays, startOfDay, etc.), but with the addition of a timezone where necessary.

import { startOfToday, tzLocal, tzUtc, fetchTimezone, IntlTimezone } from '@jetblack/date'

// Get the start of today relative to the local timezone.
const todayLocal = startOfToday()

// If the timezone isn't specified, it defaults to the local timezone.
// The following passes it explicitly.
const todayLocalExplicit = startOfToday(tzLocal)

// The start of today relative to UTC can be found by passing the UTC timezone.
const todayUTC = startOfToday(tzUtc)

// The start of the day in Tokyo, using Intl.DateTimeFormat time zone information.
const tzChicago = new IntlTimezone('America/Chicago')
const todayChicago = startOfToday(tzChicago)

// The start of the day in Tokyo, using IANA time zone information.
const tzTokyo = await fetchTimezone('Asia/Tokyo')
const todayTokyo = startOfToday(tzTokyo)

What next ?

General Usage

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