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Most of the functions require a timezone, which if not passed defaults to the local timezone.

The timezone takes over many of the duties of interacting with the built in Date object, in the cases where timezone has an effect; for example in finding the start of the day which may have a different UTC time for a given timezone.

The timezones implement Timezone.

Local Timezone

The local timezone is provided by the tzLocal constant. The following will create a new date for the first of January 2000 in the timezone of the browser.

import { tzLocal } from '@jetblack/date'

let jan1 = tzLocal.makeDate(2000, 0, 1)

// Equivalent to
jan1 = new Date(2000, 0, 1)

UTC Timezone

The UTC timezone is provided by the tzUtc constant. The following will create a new date for the first of January 2000 in the UTC timezone.

import { tzUtc } from '@jetblack/date'

let jan1 = tzUtc.makeDate(2000, 0, 1)

// Equivalent to
jan1 = new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 0, 1))

Intl Timezone

Although the browser doesn't have direct access to a timezone database, the information can be accessed indirectly by the Intl.DateTimeFormat library. As each date must be individually formatted and parsed, this approach may be slower than using a database.

The following creates a new date for the first of January 2000 in the Europe/Brussels timezone.

import { IntlTimezone } from '@jetblack/date'

const tzBrussels = new IntlTimezone('Europe/Brussels')

let jan1 = tzBrussels.makeDate(2000, 0, 1)

// Equivalent to adding the offset to UTC of one hour on 2000-01-01.
jan1 = new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 0, 1) + 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

IANA Timezone

For detail on IANA timezones see IANA Timezones.

The following creates a new date for the first of January 2000 in the Europe/Brussels timezone.

import { IANATimezone, dataToTimezoneOffset } from '@jetblack/date'
import tzdataBrussels from '@jetblack/tzdata/dist/latest/Europe/Brussels.json'

const tzBrussels = new IANATimezone(

let jan1 = tzBrussels.makeDate(2000, 0, 1)

// Equivalent to adding the offset to UTC of one hour on 2000-01-01.
jan1 = new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 0, 1) + 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

Other Methods

As well as making a date the timezone can be used to get the date parts: year, monthIndex, weekday, day, [Timezone.hours | hours], minutes, seconds and milliseconds. A more general dateparts method can be used to get multiple parts for efficiency.

An offset method is provided which accepts a date argument and returns the offset from UTC in minutes.

Finally the toISOString method is provided to display an ISO 8601 string with the timezone offset.

What next ?

IANA Timezones

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